Thursday, 1 January 2015

The films I watched in 2014

Like the obsessive I am, I've carried on the past two years' now-tradition of compiling a list throughout the year of all the films I watch for the first time. You can have a look at 2012 and 2013, or jump right in to judging my taste in cinema based on 2014's list.

The same rules as usual applied: once a film's in the list, its position does not get changed. I only count first watches and don't change the film's position even if I watch it a second time. If I fall asleep, and don't go back to the film, it is not added to the list.

If you want reviews of all these films (plus others), you can head on over to my Letterboxd page, where film witterings range from pithy two-worders to lengthy essays on whether The Prestige is all a metaphor for how Christopher Nolan makes films.

Now, go watch Boyhood when you're done. Or have a look at Mr Ross Whyte's similar list.

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